
Attendance at a glance for Parents and Carers

Endeavour Federation takes pupil attendance very seriously, as we know that there is a strong positive correlation between attendance and grades. We would like all students to achieve 95% attendance or higher.

Please see the below information for frequently asked queries about attendance at our schools.

The start of the school day

All students should arrive on the school site by 9.00am – any student arriving between 9.00am and 9.30am will be marked as late, unless this is due to late arrival of the school bus. When a child is late the school will make contact with Parents/Carers to inform you of the lateness. For students who have not had breakfast a snack is available at the start of the day.


Should your child be too ill to attend school, please contact us on the first day of absence before 8.30am, and continue to keep us informed of your child’s progress. If you expect your child to be absent, please send in evidence of medication prescribed by your doctor or hospital.

If your child is to be off for 3 days or more, we will require a medical certificate from your GP stating your child is too ill to attend school. Telephone calls are made to every Parent/Carer of a student who is absent from the school each morning. If we cannot make contact, a text message will be sent.

Holiday leave in term time

The school closes for around 70 days of holidays each academic year and we expect all Parents/Carers will take their family holidays whilst the school is closed.

Any Parent/Carer wanting to take their child on a leave of absence from the school should inform the Headteacher in writing. The application will be looked at on an individual basis and you will be informed by letter of the outcome. However, it is highly unusual to grant leave of absence during term time. Any holiday or leave taken without permission from the Headteacher will be unauthorised and legal action will be sought from the Local Authority.

Persistent absence

Persistent absence is when your child’s attendance continues to be a problem. This is detected via:

  •  Under 90% attendance
  • Any child who has had 3 days or more within a ten day period (think that sounds better)
  • Home visits will be conducted where there is persistent absence.
  • Attendance Officer (Maybe a good idea to name our attendance officer) – Eden Bates.

Changes to Penalty Notice Fines for unauthorised absences/holidays:

  • There will be an increase to the rate of a penalty notice from £120 to £160 if paid within 28 days, and £60 to £80 if paid within 21 days.
  • A second penalty notice issued to the same parent for the same child within a rolling 3- year period will be charged at the higher rate of £160.
    Each parent has a limit of 2 penalty notices for the same child within a rolling 3 year period. 
  • If a third offence takes place, other legal action will be pursued by the Local Authority, such as prosecution.

    Please continue to inform us via telephone or email of any absence:
    0161 881 2695 or [email protected]

For any attendance related queries, please email: [email protected].
One of the attendance team will get back to you asap.


Whilst the Federation embraces all faiths and cultures, it also recognises the importance of education. Wherever possible we will try and accommodate all religious celebrations. However, as with all leave of absence this must be applied for in advance to the Headteacher. Absence without authorisation on these occasions will be unauthorised and may result in legal action.