PSHE forms an integral part of our wider Personal Development programme and is viewed as a core subject at Southern Cross. The purpose of PSHE is to provide pupils with the skills and knowledge they need in order to stay healthy (both physically and mentally), stay safe and better navigate life in Modern Britain.
At Key Stages 2 and 3, Pupils are taught lessons in four discrete areas (for further information on these please see the curriculum maps below):
At Key Stage 4, pupils continue to be taught in discrete areas and an accredited Qualifications is introduced which further promotes the importance of PSHE (for further information on these please see the curriculum maps below):
In addition to our structured PSHE programmes, drop down events are held throughout the year to raise pupil awareness of key events and/or issues. Examples include: Black History Month; International Women’s Day, Children’s Mental Health Week and Holocaust Memorial Day. At Key Stage 4, pupils also work towards a financial education qualification
Skills Builder awards, which focus on skills such as speaking, listening and teamwork, are given to pupils each week for those best demonstrating the ‘skill of the week’ to further encourage their use and development.
For more information on Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), please see the careers advice section of the website.
Download the Curriculum Maps for each core theme:
Core Curriculum Map for PSHE
Emotion Literacy Curriculum Map for PSHE
Growth Mindset Curriculum Map for PSHE
Prince’s Trust Curriculum Maps for PSHE